Sunday, September 4, 2011

Software Giveaway – Compress PowerPoint Presentations with PPTMinimizer

Free & secure application & desktop delivery to any operating system.
Google Docs Presentations allows PPT files only upto 10 MB in size while Slideshare imposes a 30 MB limit. What do you when your PPT file(s) exceed that maximum size limit?
Tools like PPTminimizer will quickly compresses your large PowerPoint Presentations into smaller files (without sacrificing quality) so that you easily send them as email attachments or upload to any of those PowerPoint hosting sites.
The software costs ~$30 but you can have it for free as we have ten licenses of PPTminimizer to give away. Just leave a comment below with your name, email address and website, if any. Would be wonderful if you can also share how you plan to use the software.
reduce powerpoint size compress ppt
Here's how PPTminimizer works - You select one (or multiple) PPT files and drag them onto PPTminimizer. It will automatically optimize the graphics and embedded objects in the presentations which are generally responsible for the large size. It integrates with Microsoft Outlook and will auto-compress the PPT attachments before sending them in email messages.
Other than the standard ppt and pps formats, PPTminimizer 3.0 also support the new PowerPoint 2007 formats (pptx) and is compatible with Windows Vista. Geetesh has a more in-depth review of PPTminimizer.
We will get in touch with you later this week if you are among the lucky winners. Good luck.
Related: Reduce the size of PowerPoint files (manual tricks)

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